Submission of abstract/full paper: 1 May – 15 June 2019   10 July 2019   25 July 2019
Announcement of interim decision: by 15 July 2019   25 July 2019   10 August 2019
Return of abstract/paper corrections:  by 31 July 2019   5 August 2019   20 August 2019
Announcement of final decision: by 15 August 2019   31 August 2019
Early registration: Until 15 June 2019   10 July 2019   25 July 2019
Registration cancellation: by 15 August 2019   31 August 2019
The congress: 7 - 9 October 2019


20% of registration fee will be deducted in the event of refund (due to withdrawal or rejection).

Withdrawal or cancellation requested after 31 August  will not be refunded.